Wednesday, September 1, 2010


so with day 63 here, I am faced with some new stuff. My body is freaky, fer one thing. The back, the party I can't see, is apparently cut like a diamond, but my stomach, which I can see, is not cut at all. I fail at exercizes I used to excel at, and food that I used to be uninterested in is incredibly appealing (read: eggs). Biggest of all tho, is I seem to have kinda broken a barrier. Not in terms of physical stuff, but mental. There is no more "gotta keep pushing" to get myself to do everything. It's kinda like hitting the wall in a run, and then if you push thru, you can keep on going a long time. kinda odd feeling.

Other than that, stuff is really, really, REALLY boring. My life seems to be going thru a period when all my friend are doing other things, which is handy because it means I can focus on PcP, but it's kinda....boring, as I said. I hope this turns around a bit in about a month, cuz then I'm gonna wanna hang out ALL THE TIME! AAAALLLLL TTTTTHHHHHEEEE TTTTTIIIIIMMMMMEEEEE!

also pics are up. later.


  1. Being too hard on yourself about the front. Also, get rid of the chest hair if you want to see "cut!"

  2. W-ow. Impressive pics.
    I have gone the opposite way: I am soooooooo sick of eggs. Swapsies.

  3. Great pics bro, can really see the PcP effect.

  4. holy crap, will! unbelievable progress! and, i don't know what you're talking about, i see some ab action there. kinda cool how this PCP stuff becomes second nature after a while, eh?

  5. IN RE: Patrick's comment. BURN!!!!

    Naw, seriously, man, you are lookin' good all 'round! There's something about back muscles, even when I was "fatty skinny," my back muscles popped.

  6. I love the empty egg cartons in the corner behind you in your pics. Ha! Perhaps you should do some disco dancing to liven up life. In any case, you're making awesome progress.
