Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So guys and gals. I'm done! Just finished my last workout (day 3, the one I remember as making me the most sore the next day) and man was it easy.

My final post...well, it'll take a while, cuz I'm being lazy and just don't have all the pictures together.


I have one photo for you. It may be awfully scary, cuz it's my Haloween costume, and since there was some wondering of what I'd be...well...

Here it is. Talk to you all later, kids!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Supersets and the nature of Pain.

Ok....yesterday was my birthday and introduction to the Superset. This is a simultanious awsome and horrible experience. Because I had the day off, I could really PUSH and put energy into the workout, like I haven't always been able to do. The whole time I thought about the pain I was feeling (and there was a lot of it), and pushed and kept on going. Until the end. The Abs superset quite simply destroyed me. After the first sets of failure (which was a LOT faster than I expected) I simply couldn't move fast enough between Vsit and Plank formation. It wasn't just "roll over and go" but more of an arduous shouting at my muscles to turn me over so I can keep going. My roommate actually walked in between 2 sets, and saw me basically staring at the ceiling unable to move, and I told him I simply couldn't push myself into the 15 second rests. First time yet that I've been completely and utterly destroyed. I had to just.....lay there when I was all done. I literally couldn't move a single muscle.

Now, that sounds perfectly horrible, BUT, the upside. Fer the next 6 hours of that day, I felt INCREDIBLY euphoric. I pushed incredibly hard, and the body feedback was "Awesome!"

The following day however, has been odd. I've maintained that euphoria, but also the feeling that all my muscles are made out of bricks. I haven't been this consistently sore since the start of the program. Kinda the best way to end it that I can think of.

Anyway, now that I scared the newbies and exited the midrange and made my team nod their heads and say "oh yeah" I can go away. Workout time!

laters all
Hercules out.

Friday, September 24, 2010

B day!

Hello All.

Today I am 27, and what'd I get fer my birthday? ABS! MUAHAHAHAAA! Those lazy buggers are FINALLY peeking out. Took them long enough. Biggest achievement of the day, deciding not to really celebrate until next week so I can REALLY power thru this.

Also, Patrick has recommended it, but I'm hesitant to really go fer it, so I shall put this to a vote.
Should I shave my chest fer the last weeks of photos? Upside, you get to see better just how awesome my pecs are. Downside, I don't look like I have SUPERPECS when I have a shirt on, and I feel more of the breeze from the front.

anyway, besides birthday and being generally badass, there really isn't too much to report on. This last bit of workout IS a bit on the extreme side, but I've been enjoying the slight amp up on jumpropes and everything. SERIOUS burn in all bits that move, to the point where I really don't have the option to skip stretching. Feels teriffic tho.

Anyway, gonna bop on down the road. I'll get pics a goin'.

For Team Badass, Hercules signing out.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am a ninja.


I'm late in telling this story, but the wait is worth it. I locked myself out of my house yesterday when I went out to jumprope. I had nothing but shoes, shorts, and a jumprope on me, and I had to eat, shower, fix food and be at work in none too long. What'd I do? I though, and while I thought, I jumproped. I thought there where only 2 ways in, and both where thru a window in a second story house. I asked the neighbors who where a paint company if they would help, but they had no ladder, so I had to go fer plan B, which was stupid and....well, stupid. Plan B involved this corridor here, which is about 15 feet up in the air. I have to get into the clown house on the right, and the window is about 6 or 6 feet from the opening of the tunnel. I gotta spider climb between them allong these houses to my roommates window, pry it open with my fingers, and yank out the screen...then crawl into the window. This is why it was plan B. Cuz it's dumb. However, I did it. I channeled the spirit of spider man and successfully wall crawled.

I gotta say, this real world victory over the forces of unluck has made me even happier I did PcP. I can jump hurdles I would have fallen flat on before. OR...that could be the adrenaline rush from NOT DYING 15 feet in the air, tho. Either way, I feel good.

toodles all, go be ninjas! GO TEAM BADASS!
Hercules out.

Friday, September 17, 2010

...Mental Health

So...I kinda failed at yesterday's workout. There where special circumstances that I'm not exactly at liberty to talk about due to Hipaa law, but sufficed to say that it has me VERY down in the dumps. Enough so that I simply could not get myself into the mindset to do anything, much less a full on workout. I did some shoulder/abs stuff, but failed out quickly. I couldn't even get through 4 sets of situps. ugh.

Anyway, that said, I'm pushing myself hard now. This weekend I have off, and I'm gonna use it to get myself all set up. boil me up a couple dozen hard boil't eggs...cook up some foodstuffs. Have myself ready fer this last push. We're here folks. Push it hard! Let's show this new legion of PcP'ers how this is DONE! GO TEAM AWSOME!

Hercules signing out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

pictures ha ha ha

Here we go, pics AWAAAAAY. Also a video. HEAR MY MIGHTY VOICE!

Monday, September 13, 2010

low high low

So today was odd. Last night walking home from work, I felt sad, lonely, and generally down on myself. This morning, I felt the same, then I went out and did some stuff, and felt awesome and sexy. Following that, I went to DnD (dungeons and dragons, that's right, I'm a nerd) and had my indulgence, hand made Rubens. I love corned beef, sourkrout, and rye bread, and they where delicious, but something went awry. When I got home (right now) I started feeling like I overate (I didn't) and in fact felt quite nauseous. So much so that I hate to say it, but I don't think I could actually DO my workout just now. I feel as though if I exerted myself even a bit I'd throw up all over the place, and I REALLY don't wanna do that considering how many people are staying on the couches next to where I do my chest dips etc. Also it is 2 am...and I REALLY really really want to just crawl into bed. I'm still sore from yesterday, and I'm just too too tired.

I hate to say it, but I think I gotta skip my workout. This'll be the first time in the whole 75 days, but I think I gotta. I really don't want to miss out on the workout tho... Patrick... D'ya think I could skip today's workout and put it on wedsnesday, just so I can get 'em all in this week? Count today as the day of rest? In all my errands, I did about 3-4 times the normal ammount of walking/running (yeah, some running) today, so I got in that at least.

Ahh well.

Start the day on a low note, middle is a high note, evening is a low note. Weird day...gotta get back to it tomorrow.



So today I finally took Patrick's advice and bought new clothing. Pre-PcP I wore a large shirt bordering on extra large, and size 38 waist pants where comfortable, but getting snug. Today I went out and did some testing out. Right now I am wearing a small shirt (and it could go a little smaller) and size 34 waist pants.

That's right...I lost 4 shirt sizes and 4 pant sizes. HELLS TO THE YEAH.

I also purchased a shirt so tight you can see my abs, and a pair of REALLY small (32) jeans fer when I wanna go out and impress some people with how much of a douche I can be. MUAHAHAH!

Anyway, pics fer this week are delayed by schedules and batteries, and so I'll post some before/after clothing pics with them when they finally get posted.

Friday, September 10, 2010

So Patrik, yer scary. Your email today mirroed EXACTLY what I've been thinking...all day. The fact is that I look at myself, and my arms don't look all that big, my stomach still looks flabby, and my chest is FAR from even getting to where I want it, but looking at it from day one I'm doing AWESOME! On the way home I ran into some people I know who I hadn't seen since I started, and they where amazed at my arms, and general appearance. I dunno if I should indulge more in that push, to get that last bit of awesomness that I can eek out, or try not to give in to it so that I don't go full on powerbuilder. Honestly, knowing myself for the lazy bum I am, I'm not gonna go that much bigger than I am now.

No matter what tho, I'm definitely feeling that we're on the last stretch. I'm getting more and more definition in the abs, and all over. The bigger meals are rough to deal with, especially what with all the freakin' carbs at breakfast and lunch, and the dinners of non-fruit/milk are throwing me for a loop at night. Makes it much harder to get to workouts in the evening, and it may be time to switch back to mornings.

Anyway, continue on groups! Team Badass member Will the Olympian out!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yer Blog

So Patric, this is a quick thing I want to throw out to the world of PcP is that Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors... Like...seriously. The description of Victor Turglebend is actually one of the things I thought most about when starting PcP. I don't exactly have the "thin little moustache" but I'm sort of there allready. Diggin' the truely lazy way of doing things. Stuff doesn't hurt, isn't hard...blah blah blah. All good stuff.

and I'm off again.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

the Climb



Had a bad week this week, in and out of PcP. The out of, I'm just gonna say I've been stressed and tired. PcP wise...I tripped up a bit. I was at work and quite literally surrounded by sweets. There was quite literally no direction I could look without seeing candy or cookies, and it'd been a long week. I broke down and snagged couple of cookies with my coffee and...well...had a couple more after. The next day it was ridiculously hard to stay away from them, and I failed again. I gotta say, the weekend came at the perfect time because I could get away from all the freaking sweets. This weekend has been much better. I've stuck strictly to the diet, and took more time/energy into the workouts. Hope I can hold out over the coming week. I think so, there was a lot of stress last week, and hopefully I can avoid it better this coming one.

Besides that slip up and my climb back up from there, workouts are feeling harder and harder. The added 2 or 3 sets of each exercise has MORE than made up for reducing the number of exercises. I've been hitting failure on more workouts. Planks/bicycles of course, but bicep and shoulder workouts are reaching failure. While those are harder, I'm feeling more energy/strength in everyday life. Good stuff.

Anyway, gonna keep on keepin' on.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


so with day 63 here, I am faced with some new stuff. My body is freaky, fer one thing. The back, the party I can't see, is apparently cut like a diamond, but my stomach, which I can see, is not cut at all. I fail at exercizes I used to excel at, and food that I used to be uninterested in is incredibly appealing (read: eggs). Biggest of all tho, is I seem to have kinda broken a barrier. Not in terms of physical stuff, but mental. There is no more "gotta keep pushing" to get myself to do everything. It's kinda like hitting the wall in a run, and then if you push thru, you can keep on going a long time. kinda odd feeling.

Other than that, stuff is really, really, REALLY boring. My life seems to be going thru a period when all my friend are doing other things, which is handy because it means I can focus on PcP, but it's kinda....boring, as I said. I hope this turns around a bit in about a month, cuz then I'm gonna wanna hang out ALL THE TIME! AAAALLLLL TTTTTHHHHHEEEE TTTTTIIIIIMMMMMEEEEE!

also pics are up. later.