Sunday, August 22, 2010

strange things and general dissmay start with, NEW PICS. Apparently I have more back than I deserve. Hells yeah to that.

Quick note...I can't wait until I get "before workout" and "after workout" snacks...cuz I'm STARVING thru my entire workout. I have to plan it out so I eat about a half hour to 45 minutes before I actually start so that I'm not too full, but have SOME food in there. Get on that, Patrick.

Now, down to the more meaty bits of what I wanna tell you, and the reason for the titling of this post.

Number 1: My indulgence was to go to a friends going away party. I had a slice of pizza, a bit of a cupcake, and a few drinks (not weak ones, either. This party was not the place fer mimosas.) To preface this, my brother was there, and a number of other people at least my size. I had as much as they did. Now, the weird part is that I didn't get drunk at all. I stayed sober thruout this party...but everyone else was shitfaced drunk, staggering and some of them falling down. It was a very odd experience, because I've always been a lightweight, and haven't actually had anything to drink in a LONG time. I do beleive that my body quite simply killed the alcohol. It was actually intensely disappointing, kinda like getting an ice cream for yer indulgence, and then discovering that it evaporates about 1/2 of an inch from yer tongue. Major disappointment. However, I wasn't hung over either.

Number 2: This is more of an uncertain dread thing. I may have scabies. Tiny mites that burrow under your skin, and live there, laying eggs and making homes INSIDE YOU! ugh. I don't have any of the signs yet, and I'm no more itchy than normal, but still. Just the thought that I may have it is enough to make me analyze every tiny bump on my skin and every little itch I feel so that they seem ENORMOUS and HORRIBLE. Ugh. At least it's easy to treat, if it turns out I do get it.

Anyway, those are the big things I have to report about. No fun fer me, it seems. Workouts/diet continue unabated. I'm not NEARLY as motivated to do anything as I used to be, and I REALLY want to sit down with some kind of junk food. Really...something like chips/salas, or quacamole. The truth is that if I really really wanted to, I could, but it'd take SO VERY MUCH work to make PcP acceptable chips/salsa...but it may be worth it. hmmmm.....

Also pullups suck.

That is all.


  1. Guacamole I think is totally compliant! Just leave out the salt and you're good to go. For some reason I can't copy and paste the link for the recipe but if you just google you can find.
    Today I copied kohwai's idea for healthy pizza: base was essentially wholemeal faijita/tortilla wrap that I had baked in the oven till it was crispy. Pop it in oven for about 10 minutes, chop it up and I reckon you'd have nacho-esque chips!
    Photos looking tip-top.

  2. OMG, pull-ups DO suck! So do scabies.

    I'm doing pizza this week, too, with a pesto sauce. Guac is super easy to make, lots of good recipes online. DO IT!

  3. Scabies is better than Rabies! Non-salted chips and thoughtfully spiced guac and salsa is a win for everyone man.

  4. Yes, indeed -- guacamole is totally PCP-friendly! I was completely thrilled to realize I didn't have to stay away from it. My husband loves to make it and now he just makes two batches -- one without salt for me. It's just avocado, tomato, garlic, and onion. (And I like some cilantro in mine.) Now I admit the salt in tortilla chips really sets off the guacamole very well -- but I do fine with just spreading it on my plain ol' whole wheat tortillas and then adding grilled chicken. Mmmmm.....

  5. Great pics! Now go make some guacamole. ;)
