Monday, August 2, 2010

Long Week

So, this week has felt like it lasted a month. I put in extra time at work, AND work was especially difficult over the past few days. To top this off, I've been in a workout slump, hitting failure earlier than I feel I should. Having real trouble getting my upper body to lift the rest of me. Ahh well, according to everything I hear, this means I'll get better soon. lookin' forward to that.

On the big plus side, I now have Ramiro (a co-worker) and Nathaly on PcP, and we all live within a block or two of each other. Can't wait to have people to swap PcP stories about, and possibly have a workout partner occasionally.

As a final, happy note, I bought a whole chicken at the farmers market on Saturday, and am now roasting it covered in onions. This should probably set me for a week or two, and I'm REALLY looking forward to that first meal...mmm.

anyway, laters all!


  1. Sorry it's been such a long week! I think it's great that you Vermonters keep inspiring each other to do the PCP - sounds like there's quite a lineage being created up there. If you guys ever have a PCP party, let me know and maybe I'll come up ;)

    Enjoy that chicken!

  2. Now you too can have Real Life PCP! It's great to have people physically close by who are going thru the project as well. Great support system!

  3. mmmm... chicken. good food can be a nice comfort for a bad work week.

    good job on inspiring others to do the pcp! it's so nice to talk to others doing it. you don't have to feel bad for talking so much about something that's pretty dominant in your life.
