Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm bad at this.

So blogging. I suck at it. I seriously have no idea what to write. It's not that nothing is happening, or that I don't feel this that or the other thing that people usually feel on PcP. It's more that I tend towards privacy. If I don't talk about something within about 30 seconds of it actually happening, I don't care to tell anyone about it. This is true of conversation or blogging. Either way, I just don't really wanna write all that much these days. Which is probly because of the PcP.

I'm currently at a point where workouts are simply destroying my will to live and the diet feels like I'm being fenced in. It's not that either feels bad, or that they're too hard, it's just that I don't want to HAVE to do something any more. I feel as though if I had a little more freedom in the diet, I'd be able to keep up AND be happier. I realize this as being false, mostly cuz I don't really LIKE watching what I eat. I have a bad tendency of going for the quickest food. This being Burlington, it is a lot healthier than, say, mcdonalds, but it isn't exactly what I need now. And therein lies the problem. My desire to simply do what I want is in conflict with my intellect, which is saying "do what you should." Annoying.

anyway, other than that, not much to report. 60 second planks are officially made of poo. I fail mizerably at pullups. Can barely get thru 3 sets, let alone 4. Oh, and I couldn't jumprope that well this morning. woo woo the rest is boring. G'night.


  1. Down in the vaaaaalley! Awesome. Keep going. Blog about dumb stuff, like your favorite band. Just keep in touch!

  2. i feel ya dude! I'm tired of all the damn "SHOULDS" in my life. am impressed that you can do 3 sets of pullups! those are freakin miserable

  3. Favorite band is whoever's playing...yes the moustache IS that awesome, you have no idea how many people wanna touch it...and I fail at 1/2 way thru the 3rd set of (admittedly weak) pullups.


  4. Oh man, I know that thought. If it were just a little easier or I didn't have to think about what I have to eat so much ... but really it might be harder then. The intenseness of this thing cuts out the grey areas on everything so there's just way less to think about. Just tunnel through.

  5. Sometimes I sit down at the computer and I feel like I have NOTHING to say today. Especially now, when a lot of things are feeling really routine. But I made a commitment (to myself) to post every day, and so when I start writing I often find something good starts to emerge.

    I think you're doing great -- I see a real difference in your pics!
