Monday, July 5, 2010

there had better be a storm coming.

Day 5 done and done.

So, the biggest reason I like Vermont and most of the northern climates is winter. I have trouble with heat, and up north there's less of that...but oh man is that not true today. It's 81 degrees in the shade, and the humidity is off the charts, somewhere around 99% I think. Also, no breeze. There had better be a stormfront coming to blow this hot air away.

The heat made the exercises hard, especially the push ups (I couldn't keep my hands in place because of the sweat, even with padded handles). I still got it all done, and now I'm gonna shower and have myself a little treat. I found Lychee nuts at the local co-op today, and I have a small jar of Kim chi that my co-worker (who makes sushi around town) made for me. CRAZY exited about that. I also have some of her sushi sitting in my fridge fer later. mmmm....sushi with kimchi...and Lychee nuts as desert...

So happy.


  1. Yeah, the heat was a major factor in my inability to find sleep last night. Friggin glad I took an hour long nap in the evening. It ended up taking me 3 hours to get to sleep.

  2. Eat it if you've got it! PCP Proper begins soon!

  3. it's going to be in the high 90's in NY for the next week or so :( i, too, hate the heat. but your snack sounds super delicious!
